The hurricane's come to rest, folks...
Ripped the US Gulf, damn clean apart...
Just tore a bite out of the Grande Lagoon...
That sunny, silicone valley...
Shell-shocked once again...
Eternally by howls of fury...
You poor bastards...
Does your misery know no end?
Jeb watches from the shadows of the Florida West Wing...
The whole family's under fire...
You have to remember...
Divine intervention is always...
"Guided by the hand of God..."
Did I really say that?
God help me...
Kalashnikov's are making their way back into fashion...
The Masters prefer their Servants armed...
Semi-automatics are accessories for Suburban Malls...
The Street...
Once again...
Becomes an open firing range...
Or, if you prefer...
Ballastic homicide for brunch, anyone....
God Bless America...
And its New World Order...
A couple are forced to remove their American flag from their porch...
Apparently, it offends with its memorial to Iraq fatalities...
Meanwhile, the Federal-Assault-Weapon Ban expires...
Melts into the ether of a previous world...
A pre-War-On-Terror kinda life...
Not exactly warm and fuzzy...
But a Michael Moore-ian pause...
A fundmentalist-free-kinda vibe...
Dear Mr President ...
Or may I call you, George?
What the hell is going on in your mind?
I realize policing-the-world-like-some-gargantuan-Atlas is a tad stressful...
But, hey, dude...
You're killing us here...
Even Bill's getting the night-sweats...
And it has nothing to do with bypass blues...
Haste on a speedy-recovery, bubba...
Under your reign...
Hope was always illuminated...
Like a Camelot-ian beacon...
With the spirit of JFK...
Loitering nearby...
The guardian of lost-ideals...
And of a better world...
I'm getting fucking sentimental here...
Can someone please put me out of my misery?
Or at least blow some light into the dark, shadows drifting across our land...
Fucking parable...
That's what this sounds like...
Peter Jackson, sweetheart...
Grab your camera, honey and let's go play...
The heirarchy of dark and light...
It gives me such a thrill...
Truly, it does...
Stranger that fiction...
and all that guff....
Let the games continue...
# transmission ends #