
entRy #007::The sooThing soUnd of guNshoTS::

I awoKe thiS morNinG to heaR thaT a maN had beeN shot dead
>> in a park >>
noT fiVe minuTes froM wHeRe I laY sleePinG...


I onCe haD a friENd whoSe liFe enDed in a seeDY,darK backStreet ...
a gUn poinTed at hiS head...
He'd speNt 12 YeaRS staRinG at thE waLLed inTeriOR of pEniteNtiaRY liFe.


"BeNd oVer sweeTie > thiS won'T huRt muCH..."

Two Years afteR his releaSe he'D stiLL stretCh ouT on the benCh in the morNing suN.
>> aS if it weRe the laSt gliMpse oF freedoM he'd ever taSTe >>

He'd killed a maN
yoU see.

buT thEN He'd doNe his tiMe...
he feLt remoRSe....
hE bareLy surVivEd beNeatH tHe laYers of hiS owN skIN.
hE toLd me tHat the nigHt befOre hE weilDed the fataL bloW
:: "bY accideNt" ::
thaT he meT a straNger in a baR...
The straNGer aSked him if he haD eveR "seeN death befoRe?"
The maN then plaCed his hanD inchEs froM the pre-condemNed's faCe...

Bitch fate & kaRMa.
BitCh wHo haS nO eMpaThY.
froZen bY a loNe actiON.


The maN whoSe boDy waS diScoVeREd in tHE parK waS alSo a vicTiM of gangLand retriBution.
ouR ciTy is litteRed wiTH Them...
selling their bootY of moloTOV desiGneR druGS...
diMe-stoRe distraCtiONs wiTH theIR guNs and venDettaS...
thE godfatHer haS maNY faCeS...


sEE > the oDD thinG is > i don'T liVe in amErica....
i reside in a plaCe thaT seeMs sTark bY contraST.
But latelY.
I've noTiced thaT driVe-bY-shooTIngS are earlY eveNIng eNtertaInMent..
aN aSian duDe kiLLed soMe peoPLe wiTh a machEte ouTside a nighTclub a couPLe of yeaRs baCK.
THe tabLOidS devoUR it >> soaKIng iT uP wiTH newSpRint aNd obituaRY...

I miSs him sometIMes...goddammit....
iT wasn't suppoSed to haPPen thiS waY...
I griEve foR thE lonG & linGerING deaTH thaT took 40 YeaRs to reaCh itS zeniTH...
I wonDer WHY?
wHo waS thiS maN who knEw violEnce and deatH intimAtely?
aNd wHy do I see hiS faCe on the stReet soMetimEs?
wIll he alWays be luRking in the shadoWS
<< a meRe fuckiNg phanTOm >>
...juST liKe the reSt of uS...
...aN armY of shaDoWS....
RIP humaNity

## tranSmiSSioN ends ##

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