
entRy #009 :: LoSt in traNsmissioN::

>> I'M not in Kansas anymore, Momma >>
There's no longer signs pointing anywhere >> somewhere >>
There's an arctic wind blowing ...
There is silence all around...

Except, perhaps...
In the static..
In the ether...
That goddamn....Hisssss....
The White noise is becoming deafening...
A billion thoughts colliding...

People ask: what is this space?
I say: "Mmmmm.....it's the glare of a million-surveilled eyes, of course...
watching: : waiting...
Reality TV is no-longer-drug-of-the-fucking-nation...

This fucking obsession with fiber-optic life...
>> Word porn for the TDK- G-E-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N >>
>> Word porn for the PARANOID ANDROID human race >>
Mmmm...how sexy that cable is..

A man stabbed 15 children in a Beijing kindergarten...
"Hush little children... don't you cry..."
Pinstriped Washington whores whisper that "CODE ORANGE" is just a distraction...
But of course, folks...
It's all one big distraction...
Georgie take a breath..
That tidy, little $30 million+ 'campaign slush fund' will last a short time yet...
Shimmy up to your ole Yale buddies for a toast to the Skull & Bones boysclub...

I had to laugh, you know, (well almost cried) when I heard the latest Bushism outta Washington...

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we...
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our security, and our people, and neither do we..."

Oops, sweetie...another little faux pas...
Never mind that damn >> "CODE ORANGE" >> torn from Intelligence allegedly 3-years-old...
Never mind the odd, 13 arrests in downtown bloody London...
Voyeuristic eyewitness, curtains-pulled back, mobile phone camera lens aimed at the spectacle unfolding in the street...
The enemy lurks closer than we think...
Hitch on the chemical suits because you'd better believe it
>> bioterrorism's a bitch >>
An Al Qaida computer-operative is in custody....
Now rape that hard-drive, baby...
Tear it apart...
Decipher the code and lunancy of an army of veiled jihad butchers...

The static...how close it is....
Mmmm....how beautiful is that glow?
All Propoganda Pink and blue...

I want to forget all this stuff :: for a while:;
I want to seep between the cracks in the pavement ...
I want to silence the cheap-dime-a-dozen-salesmen-who drag-us-off-to-war...
I want to resurrect the corpse of Darwin and scream:
"Hey > you were right, dude...only the fucking fittest survive...
only the silver-tongued starfuck this world..."

While we stand idly by >> sleepwalking >>
drowning in our own sweet, sweet narcosis >>
each and every one of us a metaphor and weapon-of-our-own-mass-destruction...
a missile...
a metaphor...
And forever...

# transmiSSion ends #

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