
eNtry #010 :: caN I see yOu? ::

< You and I... >
Mine is just a voice...
Yours :: eyes without a face :: ...
webcamcord whip and fetish...

"Can I see you...?"
"Please... Can I see you...?"
Mmmm....no...it makes it much more fun this way...don't you think?
"Please Can I see you..." ?

Chatroom chatter > masturbation central...
Lonely voices seeking warmth through a strangers pulse..
I'm thinking humanity seeps- through- the- cracks...
I'm thinking it doesn't matter how you get there >> as long as you do...

Psst: Recent Headline:

"Human Cloning Gets Green Light"

There's a glitch in the human genome, Mr Darwin, Sir....
Stem-cell research slips...quietly... into the GM laboratory...
< all variety's sampled>
even though, secretly, we so know it's been seeping covertly through the fiber optics...

damn, depends which way you want to look at the Human- Embryo-fucking- Farm...
even the evangelists' of science see it as their new god...
what's one genetically-aborted twist of the dNa worth between friends...?

Stem-cell-research gets the 'green light' in Blair's Britain...
Silver-haired, silver-tongued wanna-be-president-elect,
John Kerry snuggles up to his UK bedfellow...

A recent radio address has all the pomp and sincerity of moses parting the red, fucking sea....

"To those who pray each day for cures that are now beyond our reach - I want you to know that help is on the way. I want you to hold on, and keep faith, because come next January, when John Edwards and I are sworn into office...we're going to lift the ban on stem-cell research... "

I'm thinking an end to 'terminal' velocity...
I'm thinking an end to mutations of the mind...
I'm thinking an end to castration of memory by Alzheimic Nazis carrying out their final Human Solution...

But does it stop there, folks?
But of course, the evil scientists' plans are always thwarted, baby...
>> NOT >>
Mengele's minions are floating in cryo-genesis suspension...
awaiting a human caress...
damn, petri dishes and egos...
damn, cupid's bow and the perfect human proto-type circa :: millennium::
aryan in perfection...cold and imperfect...genetic pornography....cartography...biological topography...

Map it...
digest it...
splice it..
fractionally at first...
There's always room for improvement, daddy...

Damn, I'm back there again...
back to that chatroom hiss..
to the voices...
fragmented in their starkness...
a blur of skin colours and vocal canvas'...
please...can I see you...?

I'm floating in the ether ...
grafted into this damn cybernetic age...
grafted to this damn keyboard...
grafted to this damn curiosity -and- fetish-freak-network...

Mmm...I like it here...
please...can I see you....?
c'mon...you know you want to...

# transmission ends #

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